The Playa Faro de Fuencaliente Beach is located in the municipality of La Palma in the Cumbre Vieja Natural Park.
In the Faro de Fuencaliente Beach you might find several services at your disposal which will allow you to enjoy this beach the best way possible. Among other services we should highlight the adapted accessibility for disabled, the cleaning services, deck chairs rental, showers and a lovely promenade. Moreover, if you’re hungry you might eat or have a snack in one of its restaurants and terraces which always offer a good atmosphere.
Finally, if you’re in Faro de Fuencaliente beach you might see its famous lighthouse rebuilt on the XX century, future visits are predicted.
Fuencaliente de la Palma.
Black volcanic sandy beach.
Showers, access for disabled, hammock rental, bike rental, cars, bus stops, promenade and restaurants.
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