
Hiking in Lanzarote

Find out how and where are the best hiking and trekking trails in Lanzarote, Biosphere Reserve.

Hiking in Lanzarote
Hiking in Lanzarote

Lanzarote encourages its visitors to engage on natural sport activities, no matter which age, or trip’s motivation. Hiking, trekking and long walks are some of the most promoted activities on this islands and that’s why you’ll be able to find many information and facilities to support your hiking trips.
Whether you’re looking for mountain, coastal, historic or nature trails Lanzarote will provide you with all the resources you’re looking for.

Some of the most famous hiking trails in Lanzarote are the 10 kilometers trail in Caldera Blanca (5.8 miles), the largest cauldron in Lanzarote, the Timanfaya National Park trail, the Corona Volcano trail, and the Guatiza to Famara trail (11 kilometers, 7.4 miles).

There are also numerous trails for families, children and seniors such as the Old City Centre Trail.

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